The catalog of the Wardrobes section consists of 39 products. Our products are affordable, you can order Wardrobes in Kropyvnytskyi no more than 28175 UAH. Flexible pricing policy is ensured by our own production.
For those looking for a budget option, the model at 8972 Wardrobes is made exclusively from certified materials, at each stage of production Viskonta employees carry out quality control.
If you are planning to buy Wardrobes Kropyvnytskyi that will stand the test of time and not only last for a long time, but also retain their appearance and functionality, then Viskonta is the perfect choice for you. We specialize in creating high-quality products that combine convenience and stylish design. Wardrobes to order in Kropyvnytskyi is a great choice because you get:
The maximum height of a wardrobe can vary depending on the available space in the room and the type of wardrobe being installed. Typically, the maximum height of a traditional wardrobe is 240 cm. However, wardrobes with built-in shelves and storage systems can be even taller, up to 3 meters.
The standard sizes of wardrobes with sliding doors depend on the style of the wardrobe being installed. Typically, sliding doors occupy a space from 75 to 90 cm in depth and from 120 to 365 cm in width. In addition, the door guides also take up an additional 12-15 cm of space. The thickness of the sliding doors depends on the material they are made of.
The optimal width of a wardrobe depends on the size of the items to be stored and the size of the room. Typically, the width of a wardrobe closet should be at least 60 cm, although for storing large items, wardrobes with a width of 180-220 cm are often recommended.