

Viskonta is interested in cooperation with partners, therefore special prices apply to wholesale buyers. Due to the presence of our own production, furniture is made to order at the request of the customer. Such a service helps to purchase not only ready-made models, but also to receive products according to a specially developed layout, taking into account the partner's wishes. Such products will be unique. The furniture factory produces the following products:

  • cabinets;
  • cabinets;
  • beds with shelves and drawers;
  • tables;
  • folding furniture.

Furniture products are made only from reliable and proven material, which guarantees product quality.

Our production
Our production
wholesale customers
Wholesale customers

Cooperation with Viskonta provides a number of the following advantages:

  • The goods are shipped the next day. This is possible thanks to the organized logistics of the company. Thus, when submitting an application, you will not need to wait for the goods to be shipped;
  • loyal prices;
  • no shortage of furniture. Before the goods are shipped, furniture products undergo a thorough inspection, as the Viskonta company values cooperation with partners and reputation;
  • joint development, participation in the improvement of new categories of furniture;
  • participation in the development of models of furniture products.
Оптова знижка
Wholesale customers
For dealers

The main principles of the Viskonta company include: honesty, mutual benefit and trusting partnership. The company's website lists phone numbers that you can call and clarify the necessary details of cooperation.

We guarantee:


  • implementation of marketing support. If necessary, you can get the necessary amount of handouts, advertising bulletins, banner layouts with one or another product;
  • assistance in conducting presentations, exhibitions, advertising events;
від 20% до 30%
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