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Folding furniture kharkov

По умолчанию
От дешевых к дорогим
От дорогих к дешевым
По популярности
Folding chair "FOLD" 450х800х470 мм.
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Folding chair "FOLD 2" 450х800х470 мм.
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Folding chair "FOLD 2" 450х800х470 мм.
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В наличии
1 350uah
Folding bed "Econom" 1950x700x350 mm
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1 610uah
Military folding bed for 140 kg 1950x700x350 mm (Reinforced)
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2 285uah
Military folding bed for 140 kg 1950x700x350 mm (Reinforced)
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2 285uah
Folding bed "Comfort" 1950x700x350 mm
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2 588uah
Folding bed "Tumba" 1950x800x350 mm
В наличии
2 829uah
В наличии
3 088uah

The catalog of the Folding furniture section consists of 10 products. Our products are affordable, you can order Folding furniture in kharkov no more than 3088 UAH. Flexible pricing policy is ensured by our own production.

For those looking for a budget option, the model at 600 Folding furniture is made exclusively from certified materials, at each stage of production Viskonta employees carry out quality control.

Folding furniture Viskonta: comfort and style

If you are planning to buy Folding furniture kharkov that will stand the test of time and not only last for a long time, but also retain their appearance and functionality, then Viskonta is the perfect choice for you. We specialize in creating high-quality products that combine convenience and stylish design. Folding furniture to order in kharkov is a great choice because you get:

  • Individual approach to each client. All your wishes regarding colors and sizes will be taken into account.
  • Folding furniture with warranty and hassle-free returns
  • Fast and convenient delivery in kharkov.